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How to Reduce Pollen Exposure to Keep Allergy Symptoms Under Control

  • By Allergic Diagnostic and Treatment Clinic
  • 24 Oct, 2018
Pollen allergies can be particularly difficult to deal with since plants--and the pollen they release--are almost everywhere. If you suffer from a pollen allergy, it's important to work with your allergist to find the medications that work best to keep your symptoms under control. However, you also want to do all that you can to reduce your exposure to pollen. Here are some steps to help you accomplish that goal.

Use a HEPA Filter

Those cheap fiberglass HVAC filters may be sufficient for homeowners who don't have allergies, but they are not woven finely enough to trap pollen. You can greatly reduce the amount of pollen floating through your indoor air by switching to a HEPA air filter.

HEPA stands for "high-efficiency particulate air." This term is regulated by the federal government, so any filter marketed as a HEPA filter must meet government standards regarding the size of particles it traps. HEPA filters are known to effectively remove pollen from your air as it circulates through your heating and cooling system.

Clean and Vacuum More Often With a Good Vacuum

Pollen has a habit of settling out of the air and onto surfaces like your carpet and shelves. Then, when these surfaces are disturbed, the pollen floats back into the air. To keep pollen at bay, make sure you are regularly washing your drapes, sheets and rugs, as these are areas where pollen tends to accumulate. Also, get into the habit of vacuuming at least twice a week using a vacuum fitted with a HEPA filter.

Leave Your Shoes (And Pollen-Covered Clothing) Outside

It's common for people to track pollen inside on their shoes. Get into the habit of taking your shoes off outside and leaving them just outside the door. If you have nice shoes that you want to store indoors, at least wipe off the soles (and dispose of the moist cloth outside) before bringing them inside.

If you engage in any activities like gardening or mowing the lawn, put an outer protective layer of clothing on before you do so. Then, shed this layer of clothing outdoors before you come inside. This keeps you from bringing pollen indoors on your clothing. Later on, put the pollen-covered clothing in a plastic bag, carry it directly to the washing machine and wash it to remove the pollen.

Keep the Windows Closed

If your home gets warm or stuffy, use your air conditioning system or central fan rather than opening the windows. The screens on windows do not stop pollen from blowing in, and it can take several vacuuming and dusting sessions to get rid of the pollen that blows in on one breezy morning.

Have Someone Else Bathe Your Dog

Pets can track pollen inside on their fur, but a common mistake that allergy sufferers make is bathing their pollen-covered dogs themselves. Bathing the dog will expose you to a lot of pollen all at once, which can cause your symptoms to flare up. If at all possible, arrange to have a friend or family member bathe your dog for you. And remember to do this on a regular basis to keep the amount of pollen on your dog's fur down.

Change Your Car's Cabin Air Filter

Do you seem to have sneezing fits every time you drive in the car? Chances are, like many car owners, you don't change your cabin air filter often enough. Cabin air filters are designed to trap pollen, but they do not do a great job of it once they get clogged with debris. Change your cabin air filter every 15,000 miles. New filters typically cost $35 or less, and your owner's manual should show you how to change it.

If you are still suffering from allergy symptoms in spite of following the guidelines above, schedule an appointment with Allergic Diagnostic & Treatment Clinic. We can recommend additional medications and treatment options to help you feel comfortable and symptom-free.
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